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Vi ---> Searching

    :ta <name>              | Search in the tags file[s] where <name> is
                            |   defined (file, line), and go to it.
    ^]                      | Use the name under the cursor in a `:ta' command.
    ^T                      | Pop the previous tag off the tagstack and return
                            |   to its position.
    :[x,y]g/<string>/<cmd>  | Search globally [from line x to y] for <string>
                            |   and execute the `ex' <cmd> on each occurrence.
    :[x,y]v/<string>/<cmd>  | Execute <cmd> on the lines that don't match.

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This section is based on "Vi Reference" by Maarten Litmaath et al.

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© 1993-2001 Christopher C. Taylor