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Vi ---> Move commands

     N | Command            | Meaning
     * | h | ^H | <erase>   | <*> chars to the left.
     * | j | <lf> | ^N      | <*> lines downward.
     * | l | <sp>           | <*> chars to the right.
     * | k | ^P             | <*> lines upward.
     * | $                  | To the end of line <*> from the cursor.
     - | ^                  | To the first CHAR of the line.
     * | _                  | To the first CHAR <*> - 1 lines lower.
     * | -                  | To the first CHAR <*> lines higher.
     * | + | <cr>           | To the first CHAR <*> lines lower.
     - | 0                  | To the first char of the line.
     * | |                  | To column <*> (<ht>: only to the endpoint).
     * | f<char>            | <*> <char>s to the right (find).
     * | t<char>            | Till before <*> <char>s to the right.
     * | F<char>            | <*> <char>s to the left.
     * | T<char>            | Till after <*> <char>s to the left.
     * | ;                  | Repeat latest `f'|`t'|`F'|`T' <*> times.
     * | ,                  | Idem in opposite direction.
     * | w                  | <*> words forward.
     * | W                  | <*> WORDS forward.
     * | b                  | <*> words backward.
     * | B                  | <*> WORDS backward.
     * | e                  | To the end of word <*> forward.
     * | E                  | To the end of WORD <*> forward.
     * | G                  | Go to line <*> (default EOF).
     * | H                  | To line <*> from top of the screen (home).
     * | L                  | To line <*> from bottom of the screen (last).
     - | M                  | To the middle line of the screen.
     * | )                  | <*> sentences forward.
     * | (                  | <*> sentences backward.
     * | }                  | <*> paragraphs forward.
     * | {                  | <*> paragraphs backward.
     - | ]]                 | To the next section (default EOF).
     - | [[                 | To the previous section (default begin of file).
     - | `<a-z>             | To the mark.
     - | '<a-z>             | To the first CHAR of the line with the mark.
     - | ``                 | To the cursor position before the latest absolute
                            |   jump (of which are examples `/' and `G').
     - | ''                 | To the first CHAR of the line on which the cursor
                            |   was placed before the latest absolute jump.
     - | /<string>          | To the next occurrence of <string>.
     - | /<string>/+n       | To the next nth occurrence of <string>.
     - | ?<string>          | To the previous occurrence of <string>.
     - | n                  | Repeat latest `/'|`?' (next).
     - | N                  | Idem in opposite direction.
     - | %                  | Find the next bracket and go to its match
                            |   (also with `{'|`}' and `['|`]').
Entries in this table that have an "*" are repeatable commands whereas entries with a "-" are not. For example, if I type 4w my cursor will travel four words farther into my document.

See also Display Commands.

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This section is based on "Vi Reference" by Maarten Litmaath et al.

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