->Title Page
->Vi editor
->Moving around
--->Deleting text
--->Saving and quitting
--->Search and Replace
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Vi ---> Moving around

     h         move the cursor one character to
               the left
     j         move the cursor one character down
     k         move the cursor one character up
     l         move the cursor one character to
               the right
     0         move to the beginning of a line
     $         move to the end of a line
     G         move to the end of a file
     1G        move to the first line of a file
     <ctrl-F>  move down one screen
     <ctrl-B>  move up one screen
If you try to move somewhere that vi doesn't want to go, e.g. pressing h when the cursor is in the left-most column, your terminal will complain by either beeping or flashing the screen.

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