!! On a line by itself will repeat the most recent event. !com Will repeat the most recent event that begins with "com". !?string Will repeat the most recent event that contained "string". !-n Will repeat the nth previous event. !n Will repeat the nth event. Type "history" to see the events numbered. ^old^new^ Will substitute "new" for the first occurrence of "old" in the most recent event, and repeats that event. : Will select specific words from an event line so you can repeat parts of an event, e.g. !?adam:s/adam/eve/ will substitute "eve" for "adam" and repeat the last event with "adam" in it.The semicolon, ";", separates commands. Typing
clear ; lsis equivalent to typing each command on a separate command line. The "&" symbol tells the shell to execute the command in the background. For example, typing xid & would execute XID in the background and give my Unix command line back so I could continue to use it even while XID was running. The C shell also finds special meaning in the following:
" ` { } #Rather than explain the uses of these special characters, I caution you to avoid using them in filenames.
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